The World F-’d Around, Now It’s Finding Out

Well, everyone wanted to do what they wanted to do instead of what they needed to do, and this is the end result. It was inevitable. Neglecting our responsibilities on this earth only had one outcome, and it’s a living nightmare. I think it’s time we talked about the time we all F-’d around, and ended up in Find Out-ville.

Mother Nature Is Pissed

Look, we are definitely not on a winning streak right now. Mother Nature is pissed off, the weather and climate is all over the place, our food supplies are being disrupted in every way imaginable, and natural disasters are occurring left and right with no end in sight. And to top it off, people are struggling economically, emotionally, and psychologically. Don’t get me started on politicians, business leaders, and the 1%. Oh did I mention that everyone I know is in debt? But the reality is, I think we only have one to blame for our situation, ourselves. After all, we allowed it to happen, stood by and watched and went right along with it.

We Were Wrong

Personally, I think it all started with money and the inevitable greed that it brings to literally every society that has ever used it, but that’s another story. If you’re in the Daniel Quinn camp, it all started with the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago when we transitioned from nomadic to sedentary and started taking more than we need (Ishmael had some good points on this). What ever the start, we are most definitely racing towards the finish like a fireball on cocaine. How the hell did we end up here? Well that is simple.

People no longer want to listen, especially to those more experienced. It makes them feel insecure or less important. You can see this in the fact that very few people listening to their elders anymore. Instead, they want to do what ever they want or what they FEEL is right, often in spite of the facts in front of them. We’re talking about the result of generations swimming in emotional damage and trauma from years of disrupting our natural social structures. The very social structures that allowed us to develop properly for hundreds of thousands of years previously without upsetting the entire planet. The reality is that everyone thought they knew better. Everyone wanted to lead. Well this is the result when everyone tries to lead.

To Lead, Or Not To Lead

I’m going to say something that is going to piss a lot of people off, not everyone is meant to lead. In fact, some people down right suck at it. Leading requires a very particular skill to begin with and that skill is putting others before yourself. If you’ve stepped outside lately or browsed around on social media, I think we can all agree that immediately eliminates half of those people. Probably more like 80% of those people. As selfishness is running rampant like a naked toddler snorting pop rocks, people have become more focused on themselves than ever.

This character flaw makes for a terrible outcome when such a person tries to lead other people. Instead of doing what they need to do for the group, they instead do what they want to do for themselves. Their decisions are rooted in emotion and self gratification rather than logic and community well being. I mean, look at our leaders, politicians, and the rich right now. Would you say that they consistently act with society’s best interests at heart? Or is it their interests that they are most concerned about? The problem is that a good leader is not going to promise you rainbows and cookies, but instead tell you that we have a hard road ahead of us and that we have work to do in order to better life for everyone. They don’t tell you what you want to hear, they tell you what you need to know.

And this is where people don’t want to hear it. They don’t want to listen to someone telling them what to do, especially when it inconveniences them or their level of comfort. They hate people saying things that make them feel bad for even two seconds because they can’t handle the truth it like a mature adult. Did I mention emotionally damaged?

We F-’d Up Bro

The reality is that our world is going to get a whole lot more tough in the coming years. Luxuries that were once plentiful will become more rare. The security we felt we were entitled to more scarce. The stability we once had fractured and fleeting. We took the beauty of what this world provided us for granted, and upset the very balance that allowed us and our families to live. Point blank, we F-’d up bro. Now we have to find a path to move forward knowing that it’s Find Out mode from here on out.

Stages Of Grief

As with anyone swimming in F- around bay, you usually find out in epic proportions. With the world literally on fire, we have surpassed that stage. Next comes the 5 stages of grief. We’ve been wading in denial and after that we’ll drown in anger. A natural progression until we finally land on acceptance. Acceptance that we dug this hole and that it might be too deep to get out. Here’s to F-’ing around when we should have been doing what needed to be done, regardless of our feelings. Now we get to wallow in Find Out, destination misery.

GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. GI SAID IT: Brutally honest, no BS. Click for more GI SAID IT shows and articles.