One of the dumbest things you can do is argue with an idiot. It’s like choosing take time out of your day to smash your face against a brick wall. Nothing learned, nothing gained. One of my old mentors use to say, “Don’t play with...

People often talk about the balance of nature; delicate ecosystems, energy and nutrient flow, and life or reproductive cycles. But I also see it as much more than that. It’s an intricate balancing act juggling abundance and scarcity. A constantly swinging pendulum of life, one...

I remember the days where honor, respect, and service were the seam to our moral and social fabric. When love and loyalty guided relationships and family, and courage and bravery guided our men. What do we have now? Polyamorous relationships, entitlement, and OnlyFans. Literally none...

Few other things in life have been explored more than purpose and meaning, and they are still existential questions that humans seek today. Some are born with a purpose dictated by family or culture, some are provided direction by religion, and some have to search...

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