Perspectives from tribe members on various topics that fosters thinking and sparks your evolution.


Look, let’s not beat around the berry bush. The sum of causes for the situation we’re in can be boiled down to 3 attributing factors… 1. People are more selfish than ever. 2. Money matters more than anything else to a significant portion of the...

It’s like someone tripped and fell and hit the abort button on society. It’s like people are becoming aware of the true nature of their situation. It’s like all the inequality, political bickering, economic struggles, and hard hitting climate realities are taking its toll all...

Ah, the age old how does the INTJ robot show love? “They don’t have feelings, they can’t show love.” Well, being an INTJ myself, I know this is further from the truth. Let’s take a look at how this Spock adjacent INTJ personality type prefers...

(Warning, this one is going to hurt, a lot.) One of the easiest ways to spot a a problem person with weak character is by seeing who is constantly blaming others. You can see it everywhere today, people blaming the rich, people blaming politicians, people...

I’m a big proponent of a minimalist lifestyle. Not for the sake of being trendy or because a therapist told me it would bring trauma killing balance to my life; but because I’ve lived with much and also lived with nothing. This stark contrast shaped...