In this book, I aim to provide perspective that helps reconnect us with the very social structure that gave us life. Not in a stoned out hippie kind of way, but literally get back to how we evolved to function together as humans. We’ve moved away from our cultural habits that were derived from hundreds of thousands of years in tribal units which provided safety, sustenance, and strong social connection. Instead, we’ve replaced that successful social structure with a culture that promotes separation, selfishness, and emotional/mental issues. We’ve upset the social balance with a sudden shift towards individualism and I make the case for returning to tribal connections and the benefits that they provide. As they say, it takes a village…
I bring this perspective collection to you with brutal honesty because in a world full of people saying what ever you want to hear just to get something from you, I believe giving it to you straight has a better long-term outcome for everyone.
Here’s to making honesty a standard value again, even if it does hurt your feelings temporarily. Here’s to growing pains, much love. 🙂