Okay, I really hoped I wouldn’t have to say it, but “I read it on the internet” is not a viable source of information. Just because someone wrote or said it and posted it online, does not make it factual. These days you have any...

When people look back at the history books, I think they will see that insecurity was our downfall. Not your average “I feel nervous about doing something” insecurity, but the kind that infects the depths of your soul. The “I as a person am not...

Improvement is a language I know well. I have a strange obsession with constantly trying to improve; perhaps it’s from childhood trauma from being driven by parents to be the best or my overly competitive nature. What ever the reason, it’s naturally in me to...

People today are far too sensitive, full stop. You seriously can’t say a damn thing these days without hurting someone’s feelings. And it’s not even necessarily saying something malicious; it can just be opposing their point of view and they emotionally can’t handle it. My...