Everyone has bad days, but sometimes it feels like life has you in a choke hold, while giving you a wet Willy, and beating you with the pimp hand of reality. Thats life. Some times are good and some times are liken to explosive diarrhea....

Time for another healthy dose of reality breakfast biscuits with a side of culture shock gravy. Look, your parents probably loved you. Like most likely. Hopefully. We know they meant well, but sometimes our parents just get it wrong. Today, I want to touch on...

I’m going to tell you a secret. As a person who has been in business for 20+ years, I hate business. Not because I don’t like doing it; I actually have a knack for it and enjoy doing the work. I hate business because of...

You know what I’m talking about when I say today’s world is all about ME ME ME. Individualism has spawned an outlook where everything needs to be all about one’s self because you “have the right to do what I want”, right? People throwing others...

Look, let’s not beat around the berry bush. The sum of causes for the situation we’re in can be boiled down to 3 attributing factors… 1. People are more selfish than ever. 2. Money matters more than anything else to a significant portion of the...

It’s like someone tripped and fell and hit the abort button on society. It’s like people are becoming aware of the true nature of their situation. It’s like all the inequality, political bickering, economic struggles, and hard hitting climate realities are taking its toll all...

(Warning, this one is going to hurt, a lot.) One of the easiest ways to spot a a problem person with weak character is by seeing who is constantly blaming others. You can see it everywhere today, people blaming the rich, people blaming politicians, people...