15 Oct Never Argue With An Idiot
One of the dumbest things you can do is argue with an idiot. It’s like choosing take time out of your day to smash your face against a brick wall. Nothing learned, nothing gained. One of my old mentors use to say, “Don’t play with the pigs in the mud GI, you’re only going to get dirty”. I have to say, they were beyond right.
Dumpster Fire Of A Situation
There is absolutely no benefit to arguing with an idiot (unless you’re just looking for an ego stroke). You’re just going to go in series of irrational and illogical circles that lead to F- all no where. Want to initiate the biggest waste of time? Ask an idiot a complex philosophical question. Enter a dumpster fire of a situation.
The reason this happens is because irrational people often have their emotions invested in their perspective. The moment that emotions enter the conversion, it’s no longer objective, it’s subjective and personal. One thing that idiots cling to are their personal emotional perspective, and nothing will sway them from this position as their self esteem and self worth becomes tied to them being correct. This is no longer a person discussing view points to possibly learn something from another person, but rather a fight for their self worth.
Say It With Me: “I Don’t Know”
Now, I don’t blame idiots for being idiots. Everyone is at a different level of intelligence and they often have other talents that I only wish I could do. However, the moment that ego enters the chat, it makes it so that a person can no longer perform critical listening or thinking. It becomes all about them and their opinion. The problem here is a lack of humility to know that you don’t know everything, and a willingness to admit when you’re wrong so that you can grow.
I’ll be the first to admit I do not know something if it’s not an area in which I am knowledgeable in. There’s no shame in saying “I don’t know”; in fact, it shows maturity. It provides an opportunity to grow and learn something new. In my experience, idiots usually aren’t interested in learning something new. They usually wish to stay in their comfort zone of their views to protect their fragile ego. Flashing neon signs of emotional disfunction and most likely childhood trauma; a predictable pattern.
Get Some Therapy… Or Jesus
Another reason not to argue with an idiot is that you’re feeding them the attention they crave. They are like peace vampires looking to suck the energy out of you because they don’t know how to handle their insecurity. Have you ever argued with someone saying that was saying the most irrational stuff and caught them half smiling because they were enjoying the dysfunctional engagement? Yeah, you can’t win with a person like that. Their only hope is probably therapy… or Jesus.
I’m never a fan of giving attention to any negative behaviors (unless they are going to hurt someone). Too many children have negatively learned that in order to gain attention from their neglectful emotionally absent parents, they need to act badly to make them pay attention. This translates in adulthood as similar behaviors when they feel the same lack of being accepted and begin acting out as if they were that same 6 year old child. As I said, emotional disfunction and trauma. Therapy or Jesus.
Peace & Energy FTW
So what can you do when you’re faced with an immovable wall of stupid? Walk away. It might feel like you’re taking the L, but saving your peace and energy is the ultimate win. If you have to take solace in something, know that in nature, that poop throwing monkey would have been naturally selected out of the gene pool by age 3. For now, just move on to things that actually matter to you in your life, I guarantee you arguing with an Orc is not it.
Also, sometimes, if done right, you actually provide them with an opportunity to learn and grow. When they don’t get their fix of attention, sometimes a little miracle happens. Sometimes they wonder why you didn’t participate and somehow have a moment of self reflection. Sometimes they are able to see how they’re acting and have an opportunity to choose to act differently. Truthfully, I don’t hold my breath, but they do have an acorn sized chance.
Never YOLO Jalapeños
I’ve had my share of arguments with “The Ignorant” and I can tell you that most of the time wished I didn’t bother. It wasn’t worth it. Kind of like when you know you shouldn’t throw all 3 whole Jalapeños in your dish, but you do it anyways because YOLO. Sometimes you just need to let go of control (as that’s fear derived anyways), and let them go about believing what ever pixie stick fairytales that they believe. You never know, it might be the only thing they are holding on to and who are you to shatter their world, possibly leading to their darkest moment. People gain wisdom at different paces, sometimes as slow as molasses, but it’s not our place to dictate that speed for others. Let them find their own path and get back to enjoying your own. If they don’t, there’s always natural selection (crosses fingers).
GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. GI SAID IT: Brutally honest, no BS. Click for more GI SAID IT shows and articles.
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GI Griffin is an Advisor, founding member of The Tribe, and host of the GI SAID IT show. His diverse experience in business advising, mentorship, and self improvement has shaped his unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. Brutally honest, no BS.
Podcast: GI SAID IT Podcast
Books: No BS Books