15 Oct People Are Noping Out Of Society
It’s like someone tripped and fell and hit the abort button on society. It’s like people are becoming aware of the true nature of their situation. It’s like all the inequality, political bickering, economic struggles, and hard hitting climate realities are taking its toll all at the same time. What ever the reason, the amount of people opting out of society is increasing, leaving a struggling system with less and less community support each day. As a person who has Noped out of society himself, I’d like to touch on some of the why’s and maybe some of the how’s of how this started.
I’m Out
People are Noping out on society at an astronomical rate. Can you blame them? The once promising dream of having a house, good job, family, and stability seems to have vanished into thin air. Instead people seem to be left with unfulfilling jobs that don’t pay a living wage, fear of bringing children into this unstable world, and general hopelessness of the future (or if our species even has a future). This despair has brought about a general feeling of anger, and expectedly, fear. I mean, you can smell the stress in the air.
Instead of investing in society, people seem to be focusing on grabbing all they can for themselves in more ways than one. We’ve shifted from how do we help our community and fellow man, to survival mode and how do I get as much resources as I can for my family’s survival. A natural perspective shift when times go from good to bad. Societal niceties get pushed to the side to make room for survival mode, leaving fallen cultural standards in their wake.
Take Out The Leader
The worst of this shift is that our brightest, tomorrow’s leaders, are tapping out. Society has shifted from supporting and lifting up these people to ostracizing them for being different. Well of course they are different, leading requires different skills and outlook on things as it is a different mode of operation. A lot of these people have been pointing out the very problems we face now only to be called crazy, alarmists, arrogant, controlling; take your pick. Their desire was to help their fellow man and instead they were met with hate and ridicule. That is why they have begun to check out.
These natural born helpers and leaders no longer have faith in a society where its people willingly walk into a disaster that endangers them and others, and will not listen to the very people whose gift it is to recognize these things. I experience this often in my work where it is my job to advise based on my experience in my profession, yet I am met with denial, debate, and disbelief on a daily basis despite being in my field for 20+ years (most often from those with zero experience in the field). People are placing the need to feel like they are right, aka feeling better about themselves, over producing a positive result. Insecurity bringing itself to the forefront again in sacrifice of positive change. Kind of what lead society to the very point that it is at currently.
Prepare Or Die
Similarly, people also looked at Preppers with scorn and like they were crazy, only to begin light weight prepping themselves after reading a few climate change reports. Foresight was not their strong suit. Even some scientists themselves are moving to more remote locations and creating self sustaining properties to weather the storm as things worsen.
The cat is out of the bag folks. People are starting to feel terrified, acting irrational, and society is rapidly worsening because of it. The very fabric of what held together this social system is fraying at the ends as people look to just take care of their own. People feel betrayed, enslaved, and used solely for economic profit. They no longer see this transaction as mutually beneficial and are instead choosing to forge their own path to securing safety and provisions. Society is beginning to give up on itself, with some of our future leaders leading the charge due to the hopelessness they feel about a failing societal system.
Is It Worth It?
So, is society even worth it anymore? You have climate change raging exponentially, inequality globally, politicians and elite doing jack sh-t to solve problems, and people treating each other worse and worse each day. Is this worth investing your life and your children’s lives into? For me, I checked out a long time ago when I saw the writing on the wall. At the time, people couldn’t understand my perspective and why I chose the path I chose; I think they’re starting to understand now. I Noped out the moment I saw insecurity running rampant and selfishness took over as that’s always the catalyst to the decline of a society. No society lasts long when those traits take over in mass or become glorified. That is a society rotting from the inside, a sickness in people, and the only cure is Noping TF out of the situation.
GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. GI SAID IT: Brutally honest, no BS. Click for more GI SAID IT shows and articles.
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GI Griffin is an Advisor, founding member of The Tribe, and host of the GI SAID IT show. His diverse experience in business advising, mentorship, and self improvement has shaped his unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. Brutally honest, no BS.
Podcast: GI SAID IT Podcast
Books: No BS Books