15 Oct Problem People Love To Blame Others
(Warning, this one is going to hurt, a lot.) One of the easiest ways to spot a a problem person with weak character is by seeing who is constantly blaming others. You can see it everywhere today, people blaming the rich, people blaming politicians, people blaming immigrants. Blaming anyone but themselves because they would have to take responsibility, even if they were just complicit in previously “going along with it because everyone else was”.
Blame Birthed In Fear
It is entirely predictable to see people who are secretly scared on the inside to blame others. They are terrified and don’t know what to do, so they cast blame on someone outside of themselves. Rather than doing what they can to do better in the situation, they instead aim to tear down others so they can FEEL better. This is what I mean by it showing a weak character. The focus isn’t on improving the situation, but instead on protecting their fragile ego. It’s born in selfishness.
Eat The Rich
After researching what’s going on with people today, I’m amazed at how many people are shouting “Eat the rich.” when the topic of climate change or societal struggles and chaos comes up. Like what is that going to fix? That’s mob mentality of the Roman colosseum variety. It’s just another way for them to direct their anger and fear onto someone else other than themselves. Again, weak character.
This behavior is nothing new btw. Since the beginning of human history, people have undoubtedly supported leadership when times were good and then viciously turned against them when times were bad. People feel they placed their trust in someone to keep them safe and then feel betrayed when they no longer have security. The reality is that you CHOSE to put your faith in that person. You chose to trust your safety and security for what ever reason in them. You chose to try to relinquish responsibility for yourself, but the reality is that responsibility for your well being is still yours. You can’t blame anyone but yourself if you chose to place your life and the lives of your loved ones in someone else’s hands. And if you think that’s a natural thing to do, I ask, what other living thing on the planet doesn’t take responsibility for itself? None of them, because that would effectively weed them out the gene pool.
(And if you’re getting upset at this point reading this, memorize that feeling. Explore it. Realize that it is the exact feeling people have when they are wanting to blame someone else. It’s that hit to your ego and fear kicking up, fear that you don’t know how to conquer so your natural response is to show hate, tear down, or hurt someone else. Enter blame.)
Allergic To Truth
One other thing I’ve noticed is that people who blame others DO NOT like truth. Like at all; they are allergic. Anything that disturbs that fragile ego is to be stomped out and torched with a flame thrower so they can feel better about themselves. Is that individualistic me me me attitude. The exact attitude that got the world in the situation it’s in in the first place. Well guess what, it’s not all about you. No matter how ugly the truth, it’s still reality whether you like it or not. It’s still going to have an impact on your life and the lives of others regardless of how you feel about it.
So how can you overcome the urge to blame others? Simple, first identify the feeling you’re feeling (usually fear or anger, which in root are the same thing) and acknowledge that you feel that. Now, look for your part in the situation, even if it was just going along with or allowing someone to put you in that position in the first place. Lastly, take responsibility for how you got where you are and find a solution to fix that problem. And no eating the rich is not that solution. Remember, you LET them do what they did. It’s about doing what is expected of any grown adult; managing your emotions, taking responsibility, and solving your own problems.
Time To Grow Up
The problem we are dealing with here is not a physical one, but rather a psychological one. We are dealing with people who have yet to grow up. Only children minded people would blame someone else when they are responsible for themselves. Only children minded people would think hurting others would fix the problem. Only children minded people put their feelings above the well being of others. That is the weak character, immaturity. Immaturity and selfishness that has yet to be corrected to more productive behaviors. It’s time to grow up and take the responsibility that is owned by no one else but you.
Now, saying all this doesn’t mean that sometimes others aren’t to blame, it just means that you get nothing from blaming them. Nothing changed. Weak minded people think that because they feel better the problem is solved. They also are usually the ones plagued with problems as they pile up like the interest on the United State’s national debt. They would be much better off facing the reality of their situation and responsibility with courage, than trying to pass it off to someone else who will do nothing to solve their problem.
Eat Some Truth
So the reality is, do you wish to improve your situation or just feel better? Immature children choose one while adults choose the other. Stop the blame, face your involvement (even through passivity), and do your part to be part of a solution instead of mob justice public lynching. If you’re going to eat anything, eat some truth. It’s the breakfast of fully mature adults.
GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. GI SAID IT: Brutally honest, no BS. Click for more GI SAID IT shows and articles.
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GI Griffin is an Advisor, founding member of The Tribe, and host of the GI SAID IT show. His diverse experience in business advising, mentorship, and self improvement has shaped his unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. Brutally honest, no BS.
Podcast: GI SAID IT Podcast
Books: No BS Books