01 Jan When the Universe Gives You What You Need (Not What You Want)
GI dives into the chaos of life to prove a bold truth – the universe doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you need. This episode starts with a real story about how a stray kitten waltzed into GI’s life unannounced, shaking up his plans and teaching him about acceptance, gratitude, and finding unexpected blessings. From sleepless nights full of meowing to the cat’s escape antics, GI wrestles with life’s curveballs while juggling a new business launch. The takeaway? Stop obsessing over what you can control and start paying attention to the opportunities right in front of you. Life’s messy, unpredictable, and humbling – but if you’re open to it, it might just hand you exactly what you didn’t know you needed. Tune in for a straight-up, no-BS perspective on the universe’s mysterious ways.
Sometimes life doesn’t care about your plans, your timeline, or your obsessive need for control. The universe works on its own terms. It throws curveballs, unexpected surprises, and yes—sometimes adorable, meowing ones.
This is a story about how the universe gave me exactly what I needed when I least thought it was best. And in true cosmic fashion, it all started with a little kitty.
It Began With a Cat Named Jade
For 18 phenomenal years, I had a cat named Jade. She was my buddy, my shadow, my tiny P.I.C. Losing her wasn’t easy. And for a long time, I thought, “That’s it—no more cats.”
Fast forward years later, and some little voice in my head started asking, “Should we do it? Get another furball of fury?” But here’s the thing—I’m a planner and a strategist. If I was going to adopt, it had to be the perfect situation. A perfect cat, perfect timing, perfect life situation. Wouldn’t you guess, none of those “perfects” happened.
Instead, one random night, the universe did its thing in a “F- your plans” fashion.
Enter the Surprise Kitten
Picture this. I’m working late, minding my business, when I hear this tiny, desperate little meow. Looking around, I think, “What now?” assuming the other cat got out. I open the door, and there she is—a scrappy, mischievous eyed little kitten, rubbing up against my legs like we’ve been best friends for years (that’s how they get you btw).
At first, I tried to ignore her since I didn’t know who she belonged to. I wanted to pretend she wasn’t looking up at me with that “please adopt me my human” face. I mean, I was busy launching new projects and juggling deadlines. This was not part of the plan.
But nope, she wasn’t leaving. And, as you might’ve guessed, neither was I. Touche little kitty, you won this battle.
The Chaos Begins
Okay, so here’s the thing about adopting a stray cat on a whim—that mess takes on a life of its own. I instantly knew this little invader was going to start some trouble. She tested every part of my patience, balance, and at times, sanity.
She was also a world class escape artist. No joke—this cat tried to bolt nearly every time the door opened. I’m fast (very athletic), but apparently she’s got the legs of a wide receiver. At one point, I damn near wiped out face-first on the pavement trying to wrangle her back inside.
Oh, and then she went into heat. If you haven’t experienced this joyful event, I’ll spoil it for you—it’s loud, chaotic, and full of meowing that would drive any sane person up a wall. Add in the fact that I was still trying to train her while managing a full-on workload.
But you want to know the crazy thing? Through the chaos, I realized something awesome.
Universe 101: It Sends You What You Need
This kitten wasn’t what I planned, but damn—she was exactly what I needed.
I didn’t pick her based on temperament or breed or because she looked cute enough to post in the Reddit r/cats sub (which she is). She just showed up, uninvited and tiny. And yet, she brought this weird, unexpected sense of joy. She chilled when I needed calm and distracted me when I started obsessing over work.
Sure, I had moments where I thought, “What have I done?”. Thoughts of just opening the door and letting her “accidentally escape”. But in between all the noise, the training, and the sheer madness of adjusting to each other, I saw it. This wasn’t just some random mess thrust upon me for the laughs. It was a straight-up blessing.
The universe has a funny way of humbling us like that.
Need vs. Want
Here’s where the lesson kicks in. Notice how I said the universe gives you what you need? Yeah, not what you want. We all make these spotless plans for our lives—where we’ll be, what we’ll do, and how every step will go. But life? It doesn’t give a damn about your vision board.
Instead, it throws random stuff at you—challenges, changes, blessings in disguise. This is where most people miss the plot. They’re so busy focusing on the mess, the “bad timing,” or the “what ifs” that they fail to see the good that could come out of it.
This cat wasn’t on my bing card. She wasn’t in some structured plan I charted out for life success. But she was exactly what I needed right then and there.
The Business Parallel
This “universe provides” attitude isn’t just for personal life—it’s also gospel in business. Ever had a problematic, but “top-performing” employee leave, and you’re in full panic over how to replace them? Then boom—team morale skyrockets, someone else shines, and things start running smoother than before.
Or maybe you’ve had a “bad” client drop you, only to realize they were draining your energy and holding you back from better opportunities. See, sometimes life removes what isn’t serving you and replaces it with something better. You just gotta be open to it.
The Real Lesson
Truth? You don’t control everything. Life—business, relationships, cat adoptions—is messy. You can plan your heart out, color-code your spreadsheets, meditate, and manifest till you’re blue in the face. But at the end of the day, the universe does what it’s gonna do. The universe is gonna universe.
Your job? Be open. Stop obsessing over what you think you “should” have or how perfectly everything needs to line up. Instead, lean in. Find the silver lining in the chaos. Trust that even the offbeat, unplanned moments can turn into blessings.
Because sometimes, the universe shows up at your door in the form of an untamed, escape-artist kitten. And sometimes, it’s exactly what you didn’t know you needed. And if you haven’t had your life-altering “random kitten” moment yet, don’t worry. Trust me, the universe knows when to knock.
GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. GI SAID IT: Brutally honest, no BS. Click for more GI SAID IT shows and articles.
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GI Griffin is an Advisor, founding member of The Tribe, and host of the GI SAID IT show. His diverse experience in business advising, mentorship, and self improvement has shaped his unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. Brutally honest, no BS.
Podcast: GI SAID IT Podcast
Books: No BS Books